Interview met de China Daily

Gepubliceerd op 17 aug 2015

Deze zomer heeft de journaliste Peng Yining van de China Daily contact gezocht met Simone Haak en Joke Doedens van Galerie Terra Delft. Zij wilde een aantal artikelen schrijven over keramiek en de relatie tussen Oost en West met de keramiek als onderwerp. Omdat Galerie Terra Delft sinds 2011 het doorlopende project Terra in China – China in Terra organiseert raakten zij met elkaar in gesprek.

U kunt de verschillende artikelen door Peng Yining lezen op de site van China Daily via de volgende link:

Het betreft o.a. de volgende artikelen:

  • Finding our commonalities in clay

By Simone Haak (China Daily): You feel the connection with a shared past visiting China’s Gaoling Mountain

My travels in China have had an enormous influence on my work as a Dutch ceramics artist.

In 2012, I first visited Jingdezhen, China’s ceramics capital, in Jiangxi province. Since then, I started to read about China and Chinese ceramic arts. During another visit to Jingdezhen in 2015, I visited Gaoling Mountain, where china clay was first found.

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  • China, Holland linked for centuries by ceramics trade

Chinese porcelain sparked industry in Europe, and exchanges continue today

During Susanne Silvertant’s first trip to China in 2014, the 54-year-old Dutch ceramic artist made a set of porcelain vessels with the help of a Chinese monk.

She says the monk was a painter and that they met in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province, where she was working as an artist in residence at the Jingdezhen Sanbao International Ceramic Art Village Museum.

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  • Delft is like my second home

By Li Jiansheng: Holland’s ceramics center could help China market its ceramics to the world

There is so much we could learn from Delft. I first visited the city in 2003 with Chinese officials doing research for the first international ceramics fair in Jingdezhen the following year.

We went to the Royal Delft factory and I was impressed by the way they presented their products, and the culture and history of delftware.

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